Guiding Values
Everything we do as an organization is guided by our values of advocacy, inclusion, multicultural competence, and social justice.
Public Policy Committee
Our Public Policy Committee communicates with members on advocacy issues that require action, responds to state and national legislation, and coordinate with ACA and other divisions on human rights issues.
Position Statements
Our Public Policy Committee has created statements in regards to human rights issues for LGBTGEQIAP+ people that are available for download. Other resources for advocacy are also available.
Social Justice Issues
Although human rights for LGBTGEQIAP+ people have improved over the last 30 years, there are still numerous human rights issues in states and nationally that continue to need advocacy.
Queer & Trans People of Color
Our QTPOC committee is both an advisory board and also facilitates networking and safe spaces at the ACA annual conference and our biennial conference.
ACA Actions
Read about the actions ACA is taking to advocate for Queer & Trans people
Take Action
Learn about ways you can take action in your state and advocate nationally for change.