SAIGE [Formerly ALGBTIC] Competencies for Counseling LGBQQIA Individuals and Transgender Clients
Two of our quintessential publications has been the development of competencies for working with Queer and Trans Clients. These competencies detail the awareness of attitudes and beliefs, knowledge of clients, and counseling skills and action that counselors must have in order to have competence with counseling LGBTQI+ clients.
LGBQQIA Competencies
ALGBTIC LGBQQIA Competencies Taskforce. Harper, A., Finerty, P., Martinez, M., Brace, A., Crethar, H. C., Loos, B., Harper, B., Graham, S., Singh, A., Kocet, M., Travis, L., Travis, L., Lambert, S., Burnes, T., Dickey, L. M., & Hammer, T. (2013). Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling Competencies for Counseling with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Ally Individuals. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 7(1), 2-43.
Counseling Competences for LGBQQIA People in pdf
Transgender Competencies
ALGBTIC. (2010). American Counseling Association Competencies for Counseling with Transgender clients. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 4(3), 135-159.
Counseling Competencies for Transgender Clients in pdf

Standards of Care in Assessment
Goodrich, K., Farmer, L. B., Watson, J. C., Davis, R. J., Luke, M. Dispenza, F., Akers, W., & Griffith, C. (2017). Standards of Care in Assessment of LGBTGEQ+Persons.
Standards of Care for Research
Griffith, C., Akers, W., Dispenza, F., Luke, M., Farmer, L. B., Watson, J. C., Davis, R. J., & Goodrich, K. (2017). Standards of Care for research with participants who are LGBTQ+.
Standards of Care for Research pdf version
Other ACA Divisions' Competencies
Our sibling organizations have created competencies that also inform our work with LGBTGEQIAP+ clients.

MRCC Competencies
Competencies for Counseling the Multiracial Population pdf version
Multi-Racial/Ethnic Counseling Concerns (MRECC) Interest Network of the American Counseling Association Taskforce