
Why Join SAIGE?

If you are a counselor or related mental health professional, ally, or advocate dedicated to enhancing awareness, competence, and ethical practices within the counseling profession as it pertains to working with LGBTGEQIAP+ clients, this is the home for you.

Become part of an association that prides itself on cultivating competency and the establishment of mentoring relationships to promote an understanding of queer and trans client issues in counseling.

Become a Member of SAIGE

Without joining ACA a $10 processing fee is applied. 

*Note: You must still contact ACA to join SAIGE

SAIGE Fee Total 

Professional $52.00 + $10.00 = $62.00

Regular $52.00 + $10.00 = $62.00

New Professional* $42.00 + $10.00 = $52.00

Student* $34.00 + $10.00 = $44.00

Retired $34.00 + $10.00 = $44.00

Joining SAIGE and ACA 

SAIGE and ACA Total 

Professional $52.00 + $189.00 = $241.00

Regular $52.00 + $189.00 = $241.00

New Professional* $42.00 + $105.00 = $147.00

Student* $34.00 + $105.00 = $139.00

Retired (see qualification) $34.00 + $105.00 = $139.00


Credit Card Payments: To join using a debit/credit card, log on to

counseling.org/membership to pay online, or contact an ACA Engagement

Specialist at 800-298-2276, M–F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, ET, to pay

by phone.


Three-month Payment Plan Option (by phone using a Debit/Credit Card 

Only) A $2 processing fee will be charged on both the 2nd & 3rd installments.

To sign up for the payment plan, contact an ACA Engagement

Specialist at 800-298-2276, M–F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, ET.


Division Dues Proration: Division dues are prorated to coincide with 

your ACA membership expiration date. To join a Division only, or to 

add a Division to your ACA membership, visit counseling.org/Division 

to view the prorated dues amounts. 

Join Us!

See our full brochure with details, information on our parent organization (American Counseling Association), and pricing of membership levels.

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling

Get Access to our journal with cutting-edge research and theory on counseling Queer and Trans clients.

Annual Networking

SAIGE sponsors educational and social events at the ACA Conference and at our biennial conference. Members receive a reduced fee to participate.


Our Public Policy committee assists counselors and branches from states around the country with responses to anti-LGBTGEQIAP+ legislation and practices.

Member Resources

We provide members with resources for working with LGBTGEQIAP+ clients, including SAIGE [previously ALGBTIC] Competencies and Standards of Care.

Monthly Webinars

Members receive a discount to participate in monthly webinars that award CEs, and meet many state's requirement for multicultural counseling.

Online Courses for CEs

Members receive a discount to our online courses that award CE's, and meet many state's requirement for multicultural counseling.

Access to Professional Development Training Videos

Members receive a discount to have access to our training videos through our website that can be used to watch the video yourself, show it to your colleagues, students, supervisees, supervisors, and classes.


Members receive our quarterly magazine that contains news related to working with our clients, research and advocacy efforts, and quality articles by leaders in the field of counseling Queer and Trans clients.

Rainbow Certification

We are currently developing online trainings that can be taken for CEUs. If a participant would like to receive a Rainbow Certification designation, indicating they are an LGBTGEQIAP+ knowledgeable therapist, they can enroll in the program. After completion, they will be listed on our website for client referrals. Members will receive a discount.

Rainbow Run

Members receive a discount to participate in this annual fundraising event. A portion of our proceeds is donated to a local LGBTGEQIAP+ organization in ACA's conference host city.


Through our Emerging Leaders program and our Graduate Student committee, we work to shape the next generation of leaders and advocates for LGBTGEQIAP+ clients.

Awards and Grants

SAIGE provides awards and grants to members providing outstanding service, research, and mentoring in the field of LGBTGEQIAP+ counseling


We have a committee for our fellow counselors who are Queer and Trans People of Color that serve two purposes: QTPOC have their own social gathering spaces at ACA and SAIGE events, and QTPOC members are asked to provide perspectives and feedback on our organization as they are at an intersection that brings much wisdom.

Graduate Students

We have a committee that provides graduate students with research, networking, and resources that are important for them.

Don't wait! Become a Member of SAIGE and join our network of leaders in the field of counseling LGBTGEQIAP+ people.

If you are a Member of the American Counseling Association, you can add SAIGE as a division here: https://www.counseling.org/membership/divisions-regions-branches/add-additional-divison(s)

If you are not a Member of the American Counseling Association, you can enter through the ACA portal and select Choose Division Only here: https://www.counseling.org/membership/join-reinstate

If you need any help or have questions regarding membership, please contact our Trustee of Membership and State Branches.