Special Issue: Diversity Within LGBTGEQIAP+ Youth and Adult Populations
Invited Guest Editors:
Tamekia Bell, Ph.D., Immediate Past-President of SAIGE
Christie Jenkins, Ph.D., SAIGE President 2021-2022
This is a two-part special issue focusing on two critical areas within the broader needs of of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender Expansive, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic, Agender, Ally, and Pansexual (LGBTGEQIAP+) youth and adults. This first part focuses on (1) the needs and experiences of LGBTGEQIAP + children, adolescents, and transition-aged youth, and the second part focuses on (2) the communities among LGBTGEQIAP + adults that are traditionally under-represented in the literature base such as BIPOC, intersex, and international LGBTGEQIAP + populations across the lifespan. Two areas with different life stages in focus, but with evident and important overlaps: the impact of early life experience reverberates in adulthood, and the adults looking after LGBTQ+ youth have an important influence on their coming of age.
The JLGBTQIC is dedicated to featuring rigorous scholarship that addresses the developmental, mental health, ecological, and social needs of LGBTGEQIAP+ individuals and communities. Over the more than 15 years existence of the journal, conceptual and empirical scholarship on how counselors can engage in affirmative counseling work with and on behalf of LGBGEQIAP+ people, whether direct service, teaching and training, or advocacy, has helped moved the professional counseling field towards greater inclusiveness regarding gender identity and sexual-affectional identity diversity and liberation. Areas where the JLGBTQIC has led other journals in terms of featuring original scholarship include novel research on transgender and nonbinary individuals’ mental health, competency statements outlining affirmative frameworks for counseling LGBGEQIAP+ people, wellness and strengths-based counseling and advocacy, theoretical and data-driven articles on applying intersectionality theory to counseling work, and several focused special issues on school counseling with LGBGEQIAP+ individuals. During a time when the open and affirming standard of care for work with LGBGEQIAP+ people in general, and children, adolescents, and youth has come under attack, it is vital that counselor-advocates re-commit to engaging with the wellness and advocacy needs of these historically and currently marginalized populations based on deep awareness of their everyday lived experiences. Counseling, education, and healthcare that is affirming towards the identities, relationships, modes of expression, and lived experiences of LGBGEQIAP+ diverse communities. We want to highlight the needs and best counseling practices for intersecting communities that continue to demonstrate added mental health stress. As a mode of advocacy and in the spirit of asserting the ethical, scholarly, and practice-based support for affirmative counseling as the standard of care for work with LGBGEQIAP+ people, the JLGBTQIC editorial team and guest editors invite the submission of manuscripts that address the two critical needs areas identified below.
First part - The needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ children, adolescents, and transition-aged youth
Topics and focus areas that are especially suited to the first part of the special issue include:
- Primers on what counselors need to know about the resilience, needs, and growth of LGBTGEQIAP+ children, adolescents, and youth
- Case-studies on wellness and strength-based best practices in counseling and advocacy with and on-behalf of LGBTGEQIAP+ children, adolescents, and youth
- The role of technology in the lives of LGBTGEQIAP+ children, adolescents, and youth
- Addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and interpersonal/family based violence and its role on child development.
- The impact of governmental policies affirming or disaffirming towards LGBTGEQIAP+ children, adolescents, and youth
Second part - The intersectional diversity within adult LGBTQ+ populations
Topics and focus areas that are especially suited to the second part of the special issue include:
- Advocacy efforts for LGBTGEQIAP+ with intersecting identities (i.e. race/ethnicity, age, disability status, social class, religion/spirituality)
- Primers on what counselors need to know about working with LGBTGEQIAP+ communities with intersecting identities
- Allyship/Accompliceship for LGBTGEQIAP+ communities
- LGBTGEQIAP+ across the world - what counselors need to know
- Leadership development with and among LGBTGEQIAP+ BIPOC communities
Full-length manuscripts due: October 15th, 2023
Initial disposition and feedback to authors: November 15th, 2023
Revised manuscripts due: January 15th, 2024
Final manuscripts due and cross-checking completed: March 15th, 2024
Manuscripts published: Target for first issue August, 2024
Questions about manuscript suitability and appropriateness should be directed to Jeff Moe at [email protected].
For almost 20 years, the Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling has served as a critical space for the practitioners and scholar-advocates that are part of the SAIGE community. Featuring innovative research and scholarship conducted with and behalf of diverse LGBTGEQIAP+ populations, the voices, knowledge, and values represented by the journal have helped raise awareness for historically and currently marginalized groups. Please see our call for submissions with information on the types of manuscript we look for, and reach out to the editor with any questions. Thank you for your interest and your work supporting LGBTGEQIAP+ individuals, families, and communities!
Jeff Moe, PhD, LPC, NCC, CCMHC; Editor-In-Chief, Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling
Call for Submissions!
See our current call for submissions to the journal!

How to Sign Up for Journal
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- Click the journal access activation link in the email.
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- Go to: https://www.tandfonline.com/ and click on Register in the upper right hand corner. Complete the process and an email from [email protected] should appear in 30 minutes.
- Click the account activation link in the email you receive.
- Then return to the original email you received from [email protected] and click the journal access activation link.
You will now have full access to our journal at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wlco20/current
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Guidelines for Authors
The Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling publishes articles focused on issues and concerns related to the mental health and well being of LGBTGEQIAP+ individuals, families, and communities. The intent is to offer a variety of ideas and perspectives for counselors and related professionals who work with LGBTGEQIAP+ people, their families, and communities. As such, submitted articles should focus on one of the following areas:
Research Studies:
Articles within this focus represent qualitative and/or quantitative studies that contribute new understanding to the fields of counseling and/or counselor education as it relates to LGBTGEQIAP+ people. These manuscripts should include an introduction, review of the literature, methodology, data analyses, results, and discussion. Implicit in these are clear descriptions of the studies purpose and implications for counseling, counselor training, and future research.
New/Innovative Practices:
Articles within this focus represent ways of approaching counseling, counselor education, training, supervision, or program design that reflect new ideas or innovative approaches that are grounded in counseling theory and/or research.
Conceptual Articles:
Submissions in this focus represent original thinking related to the theory and practice of counseling. These might include a review of the literature, which critiques and integrates previously stated ideas; a presentation of new theoretical perspectives, or perhaps addressing a new way of utilizing previously published work.
The Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling expects authors to follow the most current ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Further publication information for authors can be found at: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=wlco21
Editorial Review Board
Jeffry Moe, Ph.D., LPCC (OH), LPC (VA), LPC (TX), CCMHC, NCC,
Old Dominion University
Editorial Assistant
Shelby Dillingham, M.S.Ed.
Roberto L. Abreu, University of Florida
Whitney P. Akers, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Randall L. Astramovich, Idaho State University
Clark D. Ausloos, University of Denver
Bianca Augustine, College of William and Mary
Teysha Bowser, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
Michael D. Brubaker, University of Cincinnati
Devika Dibya Choudhuri, Eastern Michigan University
Joseph Currin, U.S. Air Force Academy
Frank R. Dillon, Arizona State University
Franco Dispenza, Georgia State University
Adrienne Erby, Kent State University
Ned Farley, Antioch University Seattle
Pete Finnerty, GrowWell Counseling
Brooke Fulton-Delong, George Washington University
Rebecca M. Goldberg, Mississippi State University
Kristopher Goodrich, University of New Mexico
Jeremy Goshorn, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA
Jennifer H. Greene, Texas State University
Tonya R. Hammer, Oklahoma State University-Tulsa
Amney Harper, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Randolph D. Hubach, Purdue University
Richard A. Isenberg, Private Practice
Hansori Jang, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea
Thomas Killian, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
Dae'Quawn Landrum, Montclair State University
Jared Lau, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Gideon Litherland, Family Institute at Northwestern University
Jiale Man, Virginia Commonwealth University
Vincent M. Marasco, Purdue University, Northwest
Nathaniel Mason, St. Bonaventure University, Olean, NY
Rob McKinney, Gonzaga University
Elizabeth A. Mellin, Binghamton University
Jeff Moe, Old Dominion University
David B. Peterson, California State University Los Angeles
Jeff Peterson, University of Colorado
Stacy Pinto, University of Denver
Amber L. Pope, College of William & Mary
Jonathan Procter, Long Island University
Edgar Rodriguez-Dorans, University of Salford
Jared Rose, Bowling Green State University
Valerie L. Schwiebert, Private Practice
Hemla Singaravelu, Webster University
Megan Speciale, Palo Alto University
Cortny Stark, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
John Super, University of Central Florida
Sumedha Therthani, Mississippi State University
Thomas Toomey, University of South Carolina
Ezgi Toplu Demirtas, MEF University
Esra Ummak, VID Specialized University
Joshua C. Watson, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Jordan Westcott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Ed Wierzalis, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Nona Leigh Wilson, Northwestern University
Richmond D. Wynn, University of North Florida
Eunhui Yoon, Seattle Pacific University
Anthony Zazzarino, Rutgers University
Robert J. Zeglin, University of North Florida
Need help with the journal?
If you have any other requests, please contact the Editor of our journal.