SAIGE News Magazine
Our magazine is published quarterly and contains organizational news, spotlights on professionals in the field, articles on working with LGBTGEQIAP+ individuals, and advocacy information and actions.
The SAIGE News Magazine is now welcoming submissions! Please review our guidelines at the bottom of the page. We would love to hear from professional counselors, counseling students, counselor educators, and counselors working in research settings. Contribute your voice to the next SAIGE News magazine.

SAIGE [Formerly] News Magazine Fall 2019
Read about how SAIGE is becoming indivisible, how a SAIGE member is fighting conversion therapy in her state, how learning environments can be inclusive for all, how to support trans students in college counseling, and how the Youth Sexuality and Gender Alliance of Roanoke has become a refuge for LGBTQ teens.
You can read by downloading the pdf!
SAIGE Archives
Our previous magazines and newsletters can be found here!
Guidelines for Newsletter Submissions
- All submissions must be electronic, written in Microsoft Word document formats (.doc or .docx) and included as an email attachment.
- All submissions must be in 12-pt Times New Roman font with 1" margins.
- All submissions must adhere to word limits for article category.
- All submissions must include author's name, degree(s), academic or institutional affiliation, telephone number and email address in a cover email.
- Any citations must follow APA Style Manual, 6th Edition, and language should be free of bias in accordance with APA's style guidelines.
- Any articles not adhering to #1-5 above will be returned to the author for revision before review.
- We welcome all submissions that would be of interest to our readership and SAIGE members.
Submission Categories
- New and Noteworthy – this category is for upcoming social, political or advocacy current events. Events may be local, statewide, or national in scope. Also may include synopses of current news items or media (films, art, music) that may be of interest to our readers. 500 words or less.
- State Chapter News – this category is for legislative and scope of practice updates from our state chapter leaders, and for any counseling-related or LGBT-affirmative events that the state wants to publicize. For example: rallies, benefit walks, legislative action days, etc. 500 words or less.
- Fresh off the Presses – this section highlights chapters, books, and articles (peer-reviewed or not) written by SAIGE members and student members. Only 3 publications per member will be included in an issue of the newsletter. Full citations, please.
- Practice Matters – this category is for practicing professional counselors, counseling interns or counseling psychologists to address topics of relevance to practitioners in agency or private practice settings. Examples include multicultural concerns, insurance involvement in client care, DSM-5 impact, ethical issues. 1,000 words or less.
- Major Contribution – this category is for academic articles on the theory or practice of counseling or counselor education. Submissions welcomed from faculty, graduate students, and LGBT scholars and allies. 1,500 words or less.
- Difficult Dialogues – this category is for controversial topics of interest or discussions between professionals on two sides of an issue. For example, medically assisted hormone blockage for trans-identified children. 1,000 words or less.
All submissions should be sent to our editor at [email protected].

Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!